Carr Slough Restoration near Prescott Beach
Carr Slough is a 103-acre floodplain habitat comprised largely of wetlands that flow into the Columbia River near Prescott Beach.
Location: Near Carr Slough and Prescott Beach in Rainier, Oregon
Partners: Columbia County, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Portland General Electric (PGE)
Contractor: Aquatic Contracting LLC
Funding: The Regional Conservation Partnership Program through NRCS
The goal of this project is to restore the Wapato marsh, a plant community that is listed as State imperiled and at risk of extinction (Kagen et al. 2004), as well as increase the capacity of the outlet channel and improve fish habitat in Columbia County.
Beginning in August, 2022, crews excavated the floodplain between the existing Wapato marsh margins and existing riparian vegetation. This widened the channel about 75 ft. to increase the area of tidal influence. Large wood was then installed to increase habitat complexity, especially for Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed Lower Columbia River species. Finally, native seeds will be planted to restore the habitat in an effort to nurture and sustain the living landscape.
We are excited to be implementing this project as it offers significant ecological benefits!
In the meantime…
When visiting Prescott Beach County Park please stay out of the restoration project area until the native plant seed is well established.
Carr Slough As-Built Design_2022-09-29
Carr Slough Habitat Restoration Feasibility Study
Carr Slough Preservation and Tidal Wetland Restoration by Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership